About Us

Old Town Editions exclusively offers digital fine art reproductions for artists, photographers, museums, galleries, and private collectors. The type of printmaking we offer is commonly known as a giclee, or archival pigment print.

As one of the original providers of giclees, Old Town Editions has a proven history of consistently providing high quality giclees to the Washington DC, area as well as worldwide. We do not perform these services in conjunction with any other form of commercial printing. Our staff consists of individuals who have extensive backgrounds in fine art, digital printing, and photography. Our years of experience handling original artwork & priceless historic documents allows you to be confident that your artworks are safe while in our possession.

We strive to stay at the forefront of digital printing technology as seen here from this quote from an article published by The Society for Imaging Science and Technology. “In 1999, one of these printing studios, Old Town Editions in Alexandria, Virginia, which was started by Chris Foley and Mark McCormick-Goodhart, was the first to use the improved-stability Lysonic i W2 hybrid inkset in an Iris 3047 in combination with the then new flat-matte coated Lysonic Standard Fine Art Paper. Old Town Editions was also one of the first fine art digital printmaker to implement a full ICC profile based color-managed workflow with soft proofing and with remote proofing for customers. full article

We take an educational stance when creating our high quality giclees. We educate our clients about the printmaking process as well as sales strategies. Once becoming our client we’ll help you develop strategies that can increase your giclee sales while strengthening your original art marketing strategies.  We consider all of our clients to be business partners and will help you create a strategy that maximizes your potential income from printing each piece of art or photograph.

We constantly watch the market for advances in materials and equipment in order to create a better giclee prints for our clients. Our “Better Light “ digital capturing system has almost no size limitation.  “Better Light”  has a 216 Mega-Pixel rating, compared to professional cameras that rarely exceed 30 Mega-Pixels.  

Old Town Editions studio in springtime, business for art reproductions

With our new 12 color printers, we can make giclee prints that are larger, more detailed, and with a wider color gamut than ever before. Old Town Editions is committed to making the best digital fine art prints or giclees in the industry.

Please contact us for a free consultation regarding giclee printmaking and marketing.  We look forward to showing you how our services will help you generate more income from your original artwork.

Check out our staff page to learn about our dedicated and talented staff!