Archival Canvas Printing

Archival canvas pricing
by the square inch

Length  x  Width  =   Sq/in
Sq/in  x  number of prints  =  Total Sq/in
Total Sq/in  x  $.00  =  Total Cost

0-1,000 sq/in 1,000-3,000 sq/in 3,000-5,000 sq/in 5,000+ sq/in 15,000+ sq/in 25,000+ sq/in
Canvas without varnish $.25 $.21 $.18 $.16 $.14 $.12
Canvas with varnish $.27 $.23 $.20 $.18 $.16 $.14

Breathing Color Lyve canvas (OBA Free)

Please note: Custom pricing is available for orders over 30,000 square inches. Archival canvas giclee prints can be up to 60” wide. Varnish options are matte, semi-gloss, or glossy finish.  A Certificate of Authenticity can be provided with each canvas giclee print if requested. We offer full service stretching. This work is done in house, and we custom cut all stretcher bars, so even if your print isn’t a standard size, it won’t be an issue.

Example: If you wanted to order 2 giclee prints on canvas that are 36×48 inches.

36 x 48 = 1,728 sq/in
1,728 x 2 = 3,456 sq/in
3,456 x $.20 = $691.20

Please give us a call if you have any questions about our pricing structure. We would be happy to discuss your print order with you, and help you get all the information you need about our services. We offer art reproduction and print consultations at no cost. 

Three stretched canvas giclee prints in Alexandria, Virginia of photographs by Pete Muller.

40″x60″ Archival Canvas Prints Stretched on 2″ Stretcher Bars
Photographer: Pete Muller