Welcome to the New Website!

January 08, 2020

Welcome to the new and improved oldtowneditions.com! Although the bulk of the content is what we’ve always had on our website, this is a pretty big redesign, and a few things have been moved around, so we wanted to make this introductory post to let you know what’s changed and where you can find the information you need!

Relocated / updated pages
Screenshot of the Articles for Artists page, with educational links

The first major change is that we’ve split up the “articles for artists” and blog sections of our website, to make it easier for you to find the information you need. Instead of having to scroll through our many pages of articles, we now have everything broken down into categories so you can go straight for the information you need the most, and easily find an article again later. Just click on the Articles for Artists tab in the header navigation to browse the articles.

The blog section will now be used more for studio updates when we’re working on exciting things, as well as artist features when our artists are working on exciting things! We want to be more active with these types of posts, so keep an eye out.

A few pages have been moved around or combined, and now reside under the “Print Education” heading. The FAQ section now lives here with other informational pages, as opposed to previously being its own separate heading.

Previously, “Artist Resources and Links” and “Certificate of Authenticity” used to be the only pages under the “links” heading. We thought they fit in better with this group of pages, as they are all relevant to print education, providing information and resources to artists.

Speaking of the “Artist Resources and Links” page, we’ve updated that as well! We removed old links to defunct pages and added many new links to helpful resources and informational webpages for artists.

Screenshot of Print Education drop-down menu
Mobile & tablet functionality!
Screenshot of homepage on mobile device
Screenshot of dropdown menu on mobile device
Screenshot of information about image capture process, viewed on mobile device

If you’ve tried in the past to use our website on mobile devices you may have been as frustrated as we were with how it functioned. The menu bar was unorganized, making it nearly impossible to find the page you needed, unless you already knew exactly what you were looking for. If you’re not already reading this on your phone, give it a try! We’ve tested every page on mobile and tablet to make sure all of our content scales and translates clearly across all screens. Most notably, the navigation menu is organized, and it’s easy to find pages under their correct heading. We’re pretty excited about this, and we hope you are too!

Smaller changes & updates

Depending on how familiar with our old website you were, you might notice little changes here and these as you browse the new website. We’ve done our best to improve everything we can, and to make our website the best version of itself.

Every now and then we would receive a comment that our website could be hard to read, with black text on a gray background. Well say goodbye to the gray, and hello to increased readibility! We’ve switched to the classic black on white.

We’ve added quite a few new photos and updated some older ones to keep content fresh and also give our artists even more of a feature. If you follow our instagram you’ve probably seen many of the images already, but we wanted to include them here as well to share the amazing work our clients do.

The FAQ section all lives on one page now, making it easier for you to switch between topics without having to navigate between separate pages.

We organized our “paper and canvas” page, separating the different paper types into categories, to help you better understand what each paper is best suited for, be it art reproduction, photography printing, or more specialized projects.

There’s quite a few cosmetic changes all around, such as an updated header and footer.

We put quite a bit of love into creating this new website, and we hope you enjoy it!

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